
Little presentation

This is a little blog about my steampunk and industrial style creations.
You can check my shop and if you have a special need, I'll be happy to work on command.
Feel free to comment ;)
Contact :

mercredi 28 novembre 2012

Vinyl clock

Last month I found a nice DIY to make a vinyl clock. This is really simple and gives a really nice old-fashion look.

lundi 19 novembre 2012

Knife II

These are the tree last knives I garnished.

jeudi 8 novembre 2012

Resin Time

I've finally decided to protect all my creations with resin and I went for the crystal resin by Gedeo.
I'm actually pretty satisfied with the result: crystal clear effect, no bubbles,... The only inconvenience is the cure time of more or less (lot more than less) 24h.